
BSA Troop 228 was chartered in 1965 and in our 55+ years, we have earned an excellent reputation for helping boys develop leadership skills and a strong community service ethic.   Our charter sponsor is Mt. Horeb United Methodist Church in Warren, NJ.  Troop 228 is part of the Patriot’s Path Council in the Watchung Mountain District.  

Life Skills: While time in the outdoors is important to the program, scouting is so much more.  Boys learn a wide array of important life skills — everything from basic first aid and cooking to managing personal finances and public speaking.  There are now more than 135 Merit Badges offered in these life skills as well as a wide variety of specialty interests.  As scouts progress through the ranks, they are provided leadership positions within the troop, where they get hands-on experience teaching and leading others. 

Scouts Lead Scouts: The Troop is led by the Scouts; trained Adult leaders function as mentors or teachers, with their central goal to empower the scouts to take up the leadership.  We allow scouts to grow by practicing leadership and learning from their mistakes in a safe environment.

Self-Advancement: Scouts can advance in rank at their own pace. The Troop works hard to provide appropriate opportunities for each scout to advance in rank, but they will never be ‘pushed through’ any rank as a group.  We are very proud of the 113 scouts in our troop who have achieved the highest rank of Eagle Scout.

Perhaps the most important key to successful scouting is that our boys have FUN!

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Troop 228 Leadership

  • Michael Fogarty (Scoutmaster)

    Started in the scouting program about 15 years ago going through the Cub Program twice. 3 of my son's and a grandson were part of the program. I served as Tiger den leader once and Wolf, Bear, Webelos/AOL den leader twice. Was Cubmaster for Pack 182, Committee Chair, Outdoor activities coordinator, have served as a Range Master, Pack Trainer and Risk Zone Trainer....

    Transitioned into Troop 228 and became an Assistant Scout Master and Quartermaster moving to Scoutmaster in 2015.

    I have served 3 years as District Training Chairman, am a Merit Badge Counsellor, member of the District Operating Committee. I completed Wilderness First Aid training, am AED/CPR certified and completed the Red Cross Lifeguard training and First Aid program some years ago.

  • David Gubitosi (Assistant Scoutmaster)

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  • Michael Minieri (Committee Chairman)

    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

  • Committee Members

    • Jane Maloney - Advancement

    • Loren Bush - Quartermaster

    • Peter Holczinger - Treasurer, Webmaster